Способны ли мы поддержать Гуманизм и Cправедливость?

We used to think that our society adheres to certain principles: 

  • Presumption of innocence;
  • Individual responsibility for crimes and misbehavior;
  • Humanity to handicapped people with disabilities;
  • The right of individuals to defend themselves in the court, if accused;

After CAS decision to ban Russian para-Olympic athletes to participate in Rio we were shoked  see that in fact, for some organizations , such as the CAS ( Court of Arbitration for Sport ) and WADA ( World Anti Doping Agency ) commitment the principles of law and justice – it is pure hypocrisy.

2After CAS decision to ban Russian para-Olympic athletes to participate in Rio we were shocked to see that in fact, organizations like CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport) and WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency ) are very hypocritical on the principles of law and justice.

The biggest shock for us was that the most vulnerable and oppressed people become a target of this injustice. These people have only one goal in their life – a hope for participation and victory in the para-Olympics. They were struggling with the pain and suffering over the years. They have trained themselves to get to the Olympics and they don’t have another opportunity to show the world that they are full members of the society.Their participation in the Olympic Games would demonstrate the respect and support that our society pays to all handicapped people. But it didn’t happen. 

And now we are shocked to see that WADA bureaucrats from Canada cruelly deprive these courageous and dedicated people of their last hope to show that they are equal members of our society. By making this decision they have violated all principles of justice and the law. The athletes have been denied the right to defend themselves in the court. No evidence that all the 267 athletes were going to use doping in Rio were presented. Indeed, how one can be blamed for the crime, which he could do only in the future, by coming to the Olympics and using a dope there? A very important principle – the presumption of innocence – was simply thrown in the trash. They could just organize tighter doping control in Rio. But in this case perhaps, we would have questions to paralympic athletes from some other countries?

1Canadian bureaucrats from the sport used very dangerous form of punishment – they put a blanket punishment on all the athletes, who were unfortunate to be born in Russia, for the alleged sins of the Russian Sports Committee officials. We remember few examples in the history, when entire nations were “punished” for the alleged sins of individuals. One of them was called the Holocaust.

By punishing handicapped athletes, the  bureaucrats from Montreal offended all the people, who believe in humanism and justice. They killed people’s belief that the Law, Justice, the right to defend yourself in the court, the Principles of humanity and human rights – even exist.

It is no surprise that the entire Russian-speaking community of Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and other Canadian cities was outraged by this decision. We are overwhelmed with a feeling of compassion for these courageous people with severe disabilities, we are sad that the objects of this discrimination were Russian athletes and ashamed that all that happens in Canada, a country, where we live and used to be proud of. We believe that such inhuman and lawless decision of WADA should be seriously challenged by all Canadians, who have compassion to handicapped people.  3

Thank you, Mr. McLaren! You have managed to unite all the Russians, who you hate so much, all Canadians, who support people with disabilities, for humanism and justice, against WADA.

On Sunday, August 28 1:00 am to 2:00 pm we have a rally to support Paralympians, at 21 St Clair Ave E.Toronto, ON

This action is not a political but a humanitarian. It is not ‘against’ someone or something, but ‘For’. For the humane attitude towards handicapped athletes, selflessly trying to overcome their disabilities. For the principles of justice, such as the presumption of innocence, the right to defense in court. We should respect the principle of punishment for the commission of an offense, but not for the fact, that someone was born of certain nationality or with certain disabilities.

Be Healthy!    

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